wtorek, 11 marca 2014

Filmik + "Sky is blue"

Hej! Tym razem taki mega szybki post!

Tutaj macie drugą część recenzji "Kim jesteś, Sky?"

Plus takie króciutkie opowiadanio-podobne coś, bo @kschmidt1990 brakowało czegoś do czytania ode mnie hehe :)

PS - jest po angielsku, bo pisałam to kilka dni temu w mailu do koleżanki, ale bardzo prościutkie słówka, więc mam nadzieję, że zrozumiecie :)

“Sky is blue”

      Once upon a time when the sun wasn't shining and the wind wasn't blowing, on a long black street A Little Boy met A Little Bit Smaller Girl.
      “Why is the sky blue?” she asked him. She was smiling all the time and he didn't understand why. The sky wasn't blue. The world wasn't a happy place and there wasn't no point in smiling.
      A Little Boy lifted his head. The sky was gray and full of clouds so it couldn't be blue. He was sure of it.
      “Why are you so sad?” A Little Bit Smaller Girl asked him after a while.
      “It's not your business! And by the way the sky isn't blue” he answered harshly.
      “The sky's always blue. You just have to try to see it through the clouds” she managed to say before he walked away.
      A Little Boy didn't want to hurt or be unkind for A Little Bit Smaller Girl. He just couldn't stand a glowing smile which was glued to her bewitching face. Not because it was ugly. Just because it reminded him of someone who he didn't want to remember. The sky couldn't be always blue. A Little Boy knew it very well because he lifted his head again and the sky was still gray. So why did she lie to him? He wasn't stupid. He had eyes and they worked correctly.
      Suddenly he stopped and hid behind the tree. As before A Little Bit Smaller Girl was standing there, where the sun wasn't shining and the wind wasn't blowing, all alone... and as before she was smiling! She was smiling when a huge black truck entered the long black street, when her body hit the black car hood and even when she lay motionless on the long black street which at that moment was painted with her scarlet blood! But why?
      While A Little Boy ran to A Little Bit Smaller Girl who's lying on the street, the sun started shining and the wind started blowing. The color of the sky began to change. The wind was dispelling the clouds and when A Little Boy lifted his head, sky wasn't only gray but it was blue too. A Little Bit Smaller Girl was right. The sky was always blue. He just had to try to see it through the clouds.

3 komentarze:

  1. Jak już pisałam na twitterze: to opowiadanie jest śliczne, zresztą jak wszystko co wychodzi spod twojego pióra. I jeszcze raz bardzo, baaardzo dziękuję za wzmiankę o mnie! To fantastyczne, bo od 1 rozdziału twojego opowiadania zakochałam się absolutnie w tym co piszesz i teraz taka niespodzianka.♥♥♥

  2. Kurde! Mam łzy w oczach!
    Jeśli tylko napiszesz coś podobnego to jak najszybciej dawaj tutaj o tym znać, bo to jest przepiękne ;D


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